Who are we?

We belong to the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP).

Why Presbyterian? We beleive in the Presbyterian form of church government in which a group of men from the congregation forms the main leadership body of the church. These men, called elders, are elected by members of the congregation.  These men form a group known as the session.  The session is an executive body that rules in cooperation with the minister.  We believe this to be the biblical form of church government found in the New Testament.

Acts 11:30   Acts 14:23   Acts 15:2   Acts 15:6   Acts 15:22   Acts 20:17

I Timothy 3:1-7

Titus 1:5-16

Why Reformed?  We find our historical roots and heritage in the Protestant Reformation.  During this time men, such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, & many others, rediscovered the truth of the Bible as the main source of authority in matters of faith and practice.  Along with this came the realization that the true gospel lies in the finished and completed work of Jesus Christ that is received by faith alone and not by any works.  The core beliefs of the reformers is summarized in the five "solas" (Latin for 'only') of the Reformation:

Scripture Only (II Timothy 3:16)

Christ Only (I Timothy 2:5-6)

Faith Only (Romans 1:17)

Grace Only (Ephesians 2:8-9)

For the Glory of God Only (Matthew 5:16)

Why Associate? In 1732 A group of ministers from the Church of Scotland determined to form their own presbytery for worship since they beleived that the church had lost sight of the importance of the gospel of grace.  They called themselves "The Associate Presbytery." This group eventually grew into the Associate Presbyterian Church.  They later sent missionaries to the American colonies and planted churches there.  These churches formed the basis of the current Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.